A recent case decided by the South African High Court has examined the curious interplay of an employee’s rights as they arise from both the written...
A recent case decided by the South African High Court has examined the curious interplay of an employee’s rights as they arise from both the written...
In a recent hearing before the Gauteng High Court, Hlumisa Investment Holdings RF Ltd v Kirkinis 2019, the minority shareholders of a holding com...
KING IV, COMPANIES ACT AND THE MINING CHARTER The BEE Commission’s report 2018, between 2017 and 2018, had no significant change in the levels of tr...
From 1 January 2020, South Africa’s workplace environment celebrated a breakthrough in the push for equality, with the implementation of new parenta...
So they’ve resigned – now what? Can the fiduciary duties as a director of a company extend post-resignation, and if so, to what extent? Are they p...
When a corporation is registered, an individualistic entity separate from that of its shareholders is created. This enables the corporation to functio...